Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Memorial Day weekend was fun for the most part. On that Friday night Sean and I had mom keep Maddie and we went out on a date to see a movie and had dinner and did a bit of shopping. We had a blast. Saturday Sean took the day off and we had a great family day mostly did shopping but not too bad. Sunday was a different story...We went to Seans mom's for a cook out and it was aweful..noone talked to us really and then the food wasnt done and it just turned into me having a migrane and then ending the night with stomach pain and vomiting. Monday we went to the church breakfast and then moms for dinner and I ended up in the ER with severe Stomach pains and not feeling well. I ended up going to have an ultrasound for my gallbladder and found out that I do have stones but my Fam dr wants to just keep me on the meds and see how that goes so far it seems to be working. I am thankful for not needing surgery.