Saturday, November 15, 2014

wow been a long time!

Ok so it's been way to long since I have updated this! I will try to make a big post about all that has happened since my last! I am Than k ful every day for the blessing of my daughter and all that life has brought us.

Nine Months 9 Months

Yes today marks 9 months since I welcomed my sweet baby girl. I can hardly believe that it has been that long. She is currently crawling all over the place and pulling herself up.She is exploring everything that she possibly can and wants to know what is in everything. Looking back at how much she has grown and changed over the past 9 months is just crazy. I am not sure where I would be without her in my life.She is truly a gift and a blessing from God. I know that she is forever mine and will always be sealed to my hubby and I. I am thankful that she is truly happy and that she is always smiling.