Wednesday, June 8, 2016


This week has been a very blah week for me and I am not sure why. I have tried so hard to just be positive, and stay upbeat but it's been hard. Sean has been trying to change jobs and seems like we keep running into obstacle after obstacle. Praying and leaving it up to our father in heaven. That is truly all we can do and stay positive about the choices made.

Yesterday I got to see one of my very best friends and she truly smiled and made my whole day so much better. I miss her and sad that she moved away. It was good to catch up for a few and get a best friend hug!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

wow been a long time!

Ok so it's been way to long since I have updated this! I will try to make a big post about all that has happened since my last! I am Than k ful every day for the blessing of my daughter and all that life has brought us.

Nine Months 9 Months

Yes today marks 9 months since I welcomed my sweet baby girl. I can hardly believe that it has been that long. She is currently crawling all over the place and pulling herself up.She is exploring everything that she possibly can and wants to know what is in everything. Looking back at how much she has grown and changed over the past 9 months is just crazy. I am not sure where I would be without her in my life.She is truly a gift and a blessing from God. I know that she is forever mine and will always be sealed to my hubby and I. I am thankful that she is truly happy and that she is always smiling.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


How beautiful is this fall weather and colors that we are able to experience. It is November and I am truly in love with this month! I am so thankful for a lot of reasons. I love everything about Thanksgiving and and all the days that lead up to it. I am so thankful for my amazing family and the life that I have. The gospel is one of the most important things to me in my life. I am not sure where I would be without it in my life. I am so thankful for all of the lessons I have been taught and all of the things that I still have to be taught. It is going to be a great life to learn these things in with my sweet daughter and to hear her say how wonderful that I am and that I have taught her something. I am thankful that I have my father in heaven to love me and care about me. I am thankful that i have the truthfullness of the gospel and that I can share it and be sealed with my hubby for all of time and eternity. I am not sure where I would be without my sweet hubby and the wonderful things that he does for our family. It is so amazing to see how hard he works to provide for our family and always wants to do more to help us and to make things better. Sometimes things seem so rough and tight but it always seems to work out and find a way. I am thankful for the knowledge of tithing and the ability to reap the blessings from it. I am thankful for all of the wonderful blessings I have in my life and for all that I am doing to make my family and life better. I am thankful for my hubby helping me go back to school and being so supportive in it.

Thankful for all that I have and all that I dont have.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Where has time gone??

Wow it seems that life goes by so quickly. Now that we have a baby it seems to go even quicker. I am so thankful for the life and family that I have. Hard to believe that we are going to celebrate our 4 year anniversary this week. It seems like just yesterday we were going on our first date and moving into our home! It is so amazing to know that we are members of the church of Jesus Christ of Lattre Day Saints. I am thankful to have the gospel and all the wonderful blessings that I can have. I am thankful that my hubby and I are were sealed for all of time and eternity and that our sweet baby was born unto our covenent and that she is going to be sealed to us for all of time and eternity. I am so greatful for all of the blessings that god has given to us.

Madelein's First Pumpkin Patch Trip

What a fabulous day to go to the Pumpkin Patch! Last Monday we took Maddie to the pumpkin patch. It was an amazing experience to go and do it with her for the first time. It was so awesome. It happened to be free admission day so that was a plus. We were able to see Kaleigh and Jason there enjoying the day with Owen, even though we didnt get to talk to them we still were able to see them enjoying the day. It was great for us to take her on her first hay ride and pick out a pumpkin together. She explored the hay by tasting it and seeing how it was. She was somewhat tiered so she wasnt really thrilled about it. We were able to have some fun and just enjoy Family Time which we dont normally get to do! We went to lunch at Famous Daves and Maddie enjoyed eating what we did and was so amazing. We did a little window shopping and even got new shoes.Our anniversary present to each other. The whole day was spent as a family and just being together. No matter what that is the best thing that God can give us is our family. I am thankful toknow that I get to be with my family forever.

Fall Fun!

Last week we were able to go to Detroit just the two of us thanks to my amazing mom (for watching maddie) to see the Boston Red Sox play in a play off game. It was so amazing. We went to to a small diner for breakfast that was amazing and then just enjoyed the drive together! We got to the stadium about 45 min before gates opened. While waiting, we got interviewed by Fox 25 Boston News. That was pretty darn cool! We were like the only sox fans for quite a while. We got to see the Sox on the field and practicing..We got super close and were able to get some super good pics of the players. I had one run in with a Tigers fan who thought I was too loud and obnoxious. Well lets just say at the end of the game when the sox one 1-0 I made that guy high five me and showed him that yes I was right the Sox rock! It was a long late night drive home but it was sooo worth it. The $40.00 it cost us to park the car safely was also worth it. I was so excited to be able to enjoy a Play Off game with my sweet hubby!. We were able to cuddle when we got home kid free. We slept in the next day and caught up on our shows in bed long after noon! It was a great day. I was thankful to have my sweet baby girl back at home but I def enjoyed the time I had with my wonderful hubby.