Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Fun!

Last week we were able to go to Detroit just the two of us thanks to my amazing mom (for watching maddie) to see the Boston Red Sox play in a play off game. It was so amazing. We went to to a small diner for breakfast that was amazing and then just enjoyed the drive together! We got to the stadium about 45 min before gates opened. While waiting, we got interviewed by Fox 25 Boston News. That was pretty darn cool! We were like the only sox fans for quite a while. We got to see the Sox on the field and practicing..We got super close and were able to get some super good pics of the players. I had one run in with a Tigers fan who thought I was too loud and obnoxious. Well lets just say at the end of the game when the sox one 1-0 I made that guy high five me and showed him that yes I was right the Sox rock! It was a long late night drive home but it was sooo worth it. The $40.00 it cost us to park the car safely was also worth it. I was so excited to be able to enjoy a Play Off game with my sweet hubby!. We were able to cuddle when we got home kid free. We slept in the next day and caught up on our shows in bed long after noon! It was a great day. I was thankful to have my sweet baby girl back at home but I def enjoyed the time I had with my wonderful hubby.

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