Friday, May 17, 2013

Warmer Weather

Yes we have finally recieved warmer weather! I am so enjoying being able to put maddie in her cute clothes and not have so many layers. I love to see all the vegitation and things growing. We even spotted some crops coming up in the fields last night.

Serenity had her spring program last night and it was wonderful. It made me want to teach so much more. I realized last night that I only have 3 more semesters left at Ivy Tech. It was a reality checker for me I think because I have not even thought about where to go or what I exactly want to do. I do know that I want to double major in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. I am looking forward to having a much broader aspect for teaching. I am ready for this degree and to move on to the next big thing in our lives. I wont teach until Maddie is in School but it is a 4 year degree program so I am sure that will work out just fine.

Sean is trucking along at his degree and is doing a great job. I am so proud of his hard work and all that he has done. I am sure that things will get better for him and that he will land the job of his dreams. I am continually trying to encourage and support him in all that he does because I know how much he gets down and I do not like that.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Teething Troubles

Yes it is official we are having teething troubles. Maddie has been trying to get her bottom two teeth in for the past couple of months but in the past few weeks they are super visible and seem to be really bothering her. Yesterday she was cranky and slept a ton, and barely ate. Today she was good until evening when they seemed to really be popped out. Mom came over for a visit and held her while i ate diner and said she sees one of the top teeth coming in too. I think they are gonna pop in quickly. I am thankful for her though and know that she will eventually get them in!

My 1st Mothers Day!

Yesterday was my 1st Mothers day! It was a fantastic day too! Sean made it a special day for me. It started the night before when they took me out to dinner at Olive Garden and Maddie was so fantastic. We went flower shopping and then got groceries. Sean went to the mall to do a bit of mothers day shopping and I got to go to Maurices and do some shopping myself. It was so nice to look around and not worry about anything. Sunday I woke up and was able to shower with out the worry of hurrying. Sean made me some breakfast and gave me my wonderful gift. The card was perfect the willow tree angel and the charm for my bracelet absolutely made my day. I was so excited. I am so thankful for all that he does to take care of me. It was nice to nap and relax and to be taken care of. He was so great to take care of Maddie also. We visited my mom for a few and enjoyed my cards. Over all my 1st Mothers day was wonderful. I discovered while taking care of my teething baby just how much I enjoyed being a mom and how much joy that it brought to my life.I know that staying up all night holding her and soothing her while she is restless is just one of the joys of my life as a mom. I know that I will have so many more oppertunities to help her and care for her. I am thankful for Heavenly Father trusting me enough to let me have a beautiful child and care for her and raise her to be the wonderful Daughter of God that she is.

Happy Mothers DAY!!!!!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

First Family Pictures

Family Pictures were so much fun! 

Madelein 2 Months

Madelein 10 Days

 Daddy Love

Madelein's Blessing Day at Church

Madelein was blessed at church on March 24th2013by her daddy. It was an amazing day. He gave her a name in the church and blessed her for her life. He was joined by Rusty, Pres Hartman, Travis, Kyle, and Rick! It was such a blessing to me to see him up there as the priesthood holder in our home and family and giving her a blessing for her life. It is amazing to see your little girl in the arms of her daddy surrounded by some amazing men in our branch who have been awesome friends in our life. I am so thankful for the ability of blessings and what they can do for our life.

Mommy and Maddie

Daddy and Maddie


Beautiful Girl 

Happy for my blessing day

Maddie's First Easter

Easter 2013! Maddie was a very good girl for the Easter Bunny and got lots of goodies. It took Daddy and I  a long time to find the perfect dress for our princess. We went with a pink/coral theme and we all matched for church! 

Mommy and Maddie

                                                               Proud Daddy

Spring Time

Spring has sprung. Flowers are blooming every where. I love the weather and the sunshine. I love even more that I am able to enjoy it every day. Being a stay at home mom has been the best blessing in my life. I am more than thankful for all that I have been given. I know that I will be blessed because my daughter will be able to learn and grow at home with her mommy.

I just finished the spring semester of classes and I am so excited. Being done with classes is amazing. It means more time with my sweet baby girl. I love to spend time with her. I am getting very close to being done with school and it is awesome. I love the classes but cant wait to see what else life has in store for me.

Maddie is the highlight of our lives. She has brought so much love and joy to our lives that I dont know what we would do without her. She amazes me every day. She is 3 months old and has the best smile ever. I love to see her smile and her dimples they are so cute. She gets so excited to see both Sean and I and it is amazing. She has rolled over, and scoots every where on her belly. Today she held onto a toy and played with it. She absolutely loved it so much. Her hands are so tiny she has a hard time grasping onto things. She isnt much of a shopper but we will change that! I cant wait for all of the adventures that the summer will bring to our home and to our lives.

Sean is working on his bachelors in Finance and just added accounting. I am beyond proud of him for all of his hard work. He is definately the bread winner in our home. He is working so hard for Maddie and I and we are so thankful for his love, dedication, support and help. We are thankful it is summer session and that he will be home more often and not have as much class work to do so that we can spend more time with him.

For me, I am on a journey of becoming healthier and being a more positive happy person. There is no reason in life to be unhappy and negative. Life is too short for those things.

Hug your loved ones, pray daily, love your family, and count your blessings!