Friday, May 17, 2013

Warmer Weather

Yes we have finally recieved warmer weather! I am so enjoying being able to put maddie in her cute clothes and not have so many layers. I love to see all the vegitation and things growing. We even spotted some crops coming up in the fields last night.

Serenity had her spring program last night and it was wonderful. It made me want to teach so much more. I realized last night that I only have 3 more semesters left at Ivy Tech. It was a reality checker for me I think because I have not even thought about where to go or what I exactly want to do. I do know that I want to double major in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. I am looking forward to having a much broader aspect for teaching. I am ready for this degree and to move on to the next big thing in our lives. I wont teach until Maddie is in School but it is a 4 year degree program so I am sure that will work out just fine.

Sean is trucking along at his degree and is doing a great job. I am so proud of his hard work and all that he has done. I am sure that things will get better for him and that he will land the job of his dreams. I am continually trying to encourage and support him in all that he does because I know how much he gets down and I do not like that.

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