Sunday, October 13, 2013

End of Summer

Wow!! Where did Summer go?? It is hard to believe that summer is over and Fall has begun. We had a lot of fun and firsts. It was great to spend our first summer as parents with our sweet baby girl. We had so much fun together. We were able to explore several things and enjoy family time.

We went to the zoo with Maddie and had a great time. It was amazing to be able to see her react to the animals even at a young age. She seemed to like it and we cant wait to take her back when she is bigger next summer to enjoy the animals and to see her reactions.

We had our first fourth of July and Maddie enjoyed fire works very much! She was so excited and set through them without any problems. 

We also went on our first family vacation. We traveled in late August to Panama City Beach Fl and we had an amazing time even through the rain and such. We still managed to make it to the beach and have a great time as a family. Our condo was beautiful and we had a blast. 

We had an overall good summer and lots of memories were made. 

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