Monday, March 12, 2012

Well, I have decided to give this a go. This year has been all sorts of emotions. It started out so fantastic with us being able to move to a fantastic house. We are loving it still. We were both sick off and on through out January, and I fell down the stairs in the garage and sprained my ankle. At the end of January we found out one Sunday morning that we were expecting our first child, after I had been having afternoon sickness and queezy feelings around certain smells. To our surprise we were so excited and so eager for it. I had blood work done the next afternoon and then on Tuesday we found out we had to have an emergency ultrasound due to low progesterone levels, so Sean met me and we went to the hospital very eager to see our baby, we waited a long time and finally got back, the ultrasound tech was doing what she needed to and I looked up and saw that her face didnt look good, so she then told us that the sac was there but the baby was not, I completly lost it and we went on, we went through the miscarriage process for over a month and finally expelled the baby while we were shopping one day ending our spree in the ER. The staff was great and I felt like I was dieing. We have tried to deal with everything in the best way that we know how. We know that Heavenly Father had a plan for us and that he loves us and will get us through the hard times. We have amazing friends and family who have been there for us and helped us through this. We just want to give back to another couple who may be going through the same things. We are on the right track to working on our second try at starting our family. Other than that we are both doing well. I love my new job, and Sean was accepted to IUPUI and has decided to change his major there and do Finance. He will be going through graduation at IVY Tech on May 10th. I am so proud of him. We love the house and would love to own it, but we will probably have to wait. That is the year so far.

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