Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Well my week is starting out really good. My kiddo's have over all been pretty good. I have enjoyed teaching them about shapes and searing for them. I am excited though that I have 2 and half days this week and 2 days next week and it will be my vacation. I am really excited. I just found out that I will be getting first aid and CPR training next week on Monday, that is exciting to me. Sean leaves on Thursday for 4 days and that is kind of scary to me, because I do not like to be a lone and it will be much more different in this house, but I am gonna try and use that time to get some organization done. I know that I and my house need it both really bad. I am tiered of clutter and too much junk and not knowing where to put it. I am looking forward to getting the things done but will miss him. Tia and I are giong to hang out on Friday night so that should be lots of fun. I cant wait, we have needed to do this for a really long time and we finally get to do it so we should have fun. The weather though has turned out to be really cold and i am not liking it. I am ready for shorts and flip flops again but no fear I do have my flip flops on!

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